Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Serving Those Around Us!

Hey everyone! I hope your week went well! This week, we have been focusing a bit more on service and serving those around us. We have been volunteering at Habitat for Humanity and going around raking leaves at homes.  It's been amazing to see the blessings and heartfelt gratitude that come from serving those around us. We are still teaching Jordan and we will be meeting with him later this week. It will be exciting to see what happens!  I know that by serving others, it is how we can get through harder times, as well as feel the true joy that the world seems to be lacking.
I'm grateful for my family. It's been something that I have been reflecting on a lot lately and I am super grateful for the things and the people that I have in my life. Sometimes, I see people on the street that are sad and missing the blessings of the Gospel. It just hurts my heart to see it. Something else that has been pounded into me, thanks to the Spirit, is obedience. I know that as we strive to follow what the Lord sets in place for us, that we will be blessed beyond what we ever thought possible. I hope you have a great week and stay warm!!!!
Text to Elder Ainsworth's mom from the homeowner stated,
"Your boys raked my leaves today. Half an acre of them. So grateful!!
Thanks for raising such amazing young men!!"

The Raking Adventure with Elder Ainsworth!

I visited Fort McHenry!  The War of 1812.

Maryland Crab Cakes!!! OH MAN.
These things were good!

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